Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Optimism Please

I awoke this morning and did my rounds through my various blog readings and Scott Goodson of StrawberryFrog posted a great view from his current trip to Mumbai, India.

I have been preaching in my classes that we are all aware of the current situation in the economy, and we are spending far too much time and energy on the negativity of everything. Sure, we can't simple "turtle", but we can look long beyond and see the light. Reach for that light. I assure you the light at the end of this tunnel isn't a out of control on-coming train. 

Capre Diem my friends.

It was refreshing to read Scott's posting from the perspective he got while doing an interview with Campaign India magazine. I have decided to post Scott's Blog entry directly (sorry Scott) rather than link it. 

From: http://scottgoodson.typepad.com/my_weblog/

Good morning. I am in Mumbai. There is a magical, powerful, transformative spirit over city. It is like a soothing deep tissue massage for the brain.

What is it?

It is the utter lack of doom and fear so prevalent in the West.

And it's SOOO refreshing.

No the Indian advertising industry isn't naive. Sure they know there is an economic fire at their feet, and they are cautious. BUT they also see potential in the future. Are optimistic. Some believe the economy will brighter in few months from now.

For instance, I had dinner with Anant Rangaswami, the editor of Campaign India last night. He told me that as a matter of policy he doesn't much like to write about negative economic stories. It's not news anyway. And would only add to the gloom. It scares the impressionable young talent who want to join in this incredible trade in which we work.

Good for him. This is leadership.

The Indian advertising industry is tightening belts, but some expect growth in 09. Some have even committed themselves to 9 percent growth in 09.

There is a belief in the future. People aren't dwelling on the negative. The spirit in the air of Mumbai compels people to believe that the future can be better even in a bad economy.

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