Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Burger King... er Kingons!

Brilliance once again from our friends at Crispin, Porter + Bogusky.

Simply outstanding... Burger King has assaulted our brains with creepy-weird ads for years now, but these may be the weirdest... specifically the female BK-themed "Kingon" that does a "dance of seduction" to steal your Star TrekKingon Defense Academy, devoted to protecting you from these insidious attacks.

The Burger King Star Trek campaign is getting underway with the introduction of what may be the funniest promotion ever.
The offspring of an "alien encounter" between the Burger King and a Klingon woman (possibly when he showed up one morning in her bed with a breakfast sandwich as he likes to do, but didn't count on the aggressiveness of the species), the "Kingons" are here on Earth on a mission to collect all the Star Trek glasses.

I actually don't know where to begin with these ads... the "Kingons" are determined to steal them from you mostly using weird playground bullying tactics, such as wedgies and nipple attacks. Yes, really. A "Kingon" is going to attack your nipples. There's a whole website, the

The website "Kingon Defense Academy" which has just opened, has a series of hilarious training videos to help earthers learn the tactics of these glass-grabbing aliens: You have to visit it for a good laugh, I got a real "kick" out of it!

From The Website The Dance of Seduction:

From The Website Talaxian Limb Paralysis:

Television Spot:

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