Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Portfolio Night 7 - Toronto SOLD OUT!!!

They say he who procrastinates is lost.

With just under a month to go before Portfolio Night 7, Toronto becomes the very first city to sell all of its tickets! As a proud sponsor of the event this make me very excited about the event.

So what’s a latecomer to do? Well you could do what others have done: hop on a plane, train or automobile and head on over to another city. There are still tickets available for Canadian cities such as Montreal and Quebec City.

But let’s say you don’t think you could handle un marché québecois. If you act fast, you can still snag tickets for the other cities…. although Chicago, San Fran and Los Angeles are also selling quickly. And of course there will be some news about New York tomorrow.

To everybody else: if you’re thinking about getting a Portfolio Night ticket, stop thinking and start acting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whispers: volu--
i've said too much!

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